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Feeling stressed because you are Scared of Office politics?

Chasing bosses during smoke zones, bonding over gossip & all other trivial stuff in the name of ‘networking’ and not doing the real ok cannot get one up the ladder. It makes one someone who cannot be relied upon, in the long run. Instead, if you are calm during tough situations, an asset, a pillar of strength for your team during a crisis, never nagging or complaining, but not shying away to put forth your feelings & honest suggestions, absolutely focused and ready to help others, no one can stop you from growing. Because everyone will give the REAL work to someone who has nerves of steel & is disciplined. Who the organization can rely upon.

No boss is a monster. At times people don’t really know because we end up making wrong assumptions; start taking things personally. To meet the vision, in the longer run, in a sea of feeble hearts, only a resilient mind lasts the whole game.

Been a meditator for over 23 years. By virtue, my work life never suffered. Always had the best bosses, superb HRs, and equally fantastic colleagues. Those who weren’t at all helpful also tried to bully me into their game but did not succeed. I never raised any formal complaint, and I never confronted them. I held up my side of the bargain by being cordial yet firm with each one of them. I ensured my focus was 100% on the fact that first I justify my salary & perks. And then I give more to get the next appraisal. And mostly year on year it was either the highest or second highest. When I now look back, all that was happening around me weren’t able to break me or cause any effect on me, because as a meditator my response to every situation naturally was through detachment. When I meditate the process is to simply observe the thoughts. I am doing it for over 23 years & I can now extend my practice to my daily life. While things are going bad, instead of reacting immediately, I can see it like a movie being played & the whole world is a screen. Just observe & let the movie be over. If there is an emergency situation in the theatre we take a different action, if there isn’t one then we wait till the end & then exit the theatre. This approach has saved me endless hours of useless negotiations over trivial topics. I am only getting involved if someone’s or my own growth is getting impacted. For entertainment & ego messages, I am never left with that kind of time.


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