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Daily meditation & increased productivity

A simple practice of daily meditation trains one to cut out distractions, be more confident in the right now, more observing the situation with a detached outlook, enabling one to save minutes, hours, and days from unnecessarily going through futile mental chatter. The necessary analysis of the situation and choosing when to respond and when to react. Even your choice of no reply is your response.

All this happens as we continue to venture deep into the recess of our minds and bring out everything that remained stuck for so long, keeping our focus blurry.

I tell this often to my students & close friends – A Quiet Space, all calm & still, already lies within you. Practicing daily meditation enhances your ability & willingness to reach out for it in the face of crisis, drawing power, confidence & presence of mind when you need it the most. Saving you a lot of time, and the pain of conflict & keeps you focused on the task at hand. Makes you remember why you are here in the first place. And cuts out the urge to get drawn into distraction.

Here’s a Guided Meditation for you to start your practice.


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