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Meditating 21 Minutes a Day keeps anxiety & addictions at bay

Why 21 Minutes?

I have planned it with spiritual guidance, my intuition & my experience of working with several individuals & curing them of insomnia over 30 years, anxiety over 10 years, and depression over 3-5 years so far, with a constant prayer in my heart that Depression, Anxiety & Insomnia should just vanish one fine morning because the level of damage it causes to the individual & the brunt is faced by everyone they are involved with –

2 Minutes of Posture Correction

– 3 minutes to settle down into their inner calm

– 9 minutes of deep meditation

– 3 minutes of a quick exercise (varies subject to subject & is more of an integration)

– 1 minute to come back from the meditative zone

– 2 minutes of taking in the surroundings with full focus with all 5 senses

This proven & compact method ensures an individual starts their day with everything that is going to happen throughout the day, irrespective of their role in society.

Daily practice of Posture Correction trains an individual to pay attention to their body language.

Settling into the body trains them to reach for this quiet through a learned technique every time they are approaching a stressful situation.

During the actual meditation, they learn an extremely valuable 3 step lesson –

1. Detachment; 

2. Unbiased observation; 

3. A conscious choice of response over reaction.

The 3 minutes exercises I choose are based on the theme of meditation & aid to important blocks we face in our life – manifestation, fears, money, pain, etc. trains an individual to deep dive into these aspects in real life when they are faced with it.

The final 2 minutes empower an individual to be able to pay attention to their surroundings, as they also learn to be with themselves without gadgets, the TV, the newspaper, or interaction with others.

How does it help to keep anxiety & addictions away?

By training you step by step to regulate your nervous system through this deep & proven process.

Addiction is a compusive behaviour. The human mind operates from two things – aversion & craving. A daily meditation practice trains you to observe this behaviour & over little time, to slowly go beyond this nature. Releasing the memories associated to any form of addiction. Thereby regulatin your nervous system and calming you down. Still Body – Still Breath – Still Mind.

Try a Sample – Guided Meditation


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