uBlocking! Manifesting!

“ASK for what you want and be PREPARED to get it.” – Maya Angelou

Are you even PREPARED to receive and experience fully what you are asking for?
Are you brave enough to let those things go that are coming on your way of manifesting, along your journey of preparing for it?

Think carefully before answering. Because most humans aren’t ready for what they want or are influenced by others, completely overlooking the possibility of a journey that may have witnessed detachment to the outcome, letting go, facing fears, untiring work ethic, impeccable value system, surrender in the divine forces, consciously losing control, steadying up the nervous system and working towards awareness and awakened daily life.

So, are you ready for all of the above and more? Or are you too lazy to remain comfortably numb and let go of the constant opportunities?

Those who think happiness is our goal are not quite right. Happiness is our choice. Humans evolved to remain comfortable, to survive not to thrive. Thriving comes from the awareness of possibilities, beyond our basic instincts. Because to thrive we must step out of our comfort zone, steady up our nerves, clear the immediate blocks in our perception and then free dive.

When it comes to manifestation, there are certain energetic challenges that you may encounter. These challenges can affect the process of manifesting desires and goals. Let’s see some common energetic challenges in manifestation:

  1. Limiting Beliefs: One of the biggest challenges is overcoming limiting beliefs. These are negative or self-sabotaging thoughts and beliefs that hinder the manifestation process.
  2. Negative Emotions: Emotions such as fear, and doubt can create energetic resistance. When you hold onto negative emotions, they can lower your vibration and disrupt your alignment with your desires. It’s important to address and release these emotions to allow for aligned manifestation.
  3. Lack of Alignment: Manifestation is closely linked to aligning your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions with your desires. If there is a lack of alignment between these aspects, it can create energetic disharmony and hinder the manifestation process. It’s important to ensure that all aspects are in sync.
  4. Energetic Attachments: Attachments to specific outcomes or a strong sense of “need” can create energetic resistance. When you are too attached to a particular manifestation, it can create a sense of desperation and block the flow of energy. It’s important to detach and trust in the universe’s timing and the process of manifestation.
  5. Subconscious Programming: Your subconscious mind holds deeply ingrained beliefs and patterns that may be contrary to what you want to manifest. These subconscious programs can create energetic barriers and limit your ability to attract your desires. Working on reprogramming your subconscious mind can help overcome this challenge. By simply clearing and creating more inner space.
  6. Lack of Clarity: Manifestation requires clarity in your desires. If you are unsure or vague about what you want to manifest, it can create energetic confusion. Clearly defining your goals and desires helps to focus your energy and align it with what you wish to attract.
  7. Resistance to Change: Manifestation often involves bringing about change in your life. However, resistance to change can create energetic obstacles. This resistance can stem from fear of the unknown or fear of stepping outside your comfort zone. Overcoming resistance and embracing change are essential for successful manifestation.

To overcome these energetic challenges, it is important to work on self-awareness, mindfulness, and personal growth.

Here are a few steps to addressing and releasing energetic blocks, allowing for a more effective manifestation process. Living with purpose & daily fulfilment.

Clearing with the breath –  (A must to prepare a base for your manifestation)

  1. Sit Comfortably in a quiet and free space. It must be decluttered & devoid of foul smell.Keep your posture straight and back supported.
  2. A quick mental scan of your body, losing tension and discomfort as you breathe in deeply & naturally.
  3. Now bring your focus on your breathing and flow inwards with your breath. For the next 5 minutes remain aware of your incoming & outgoing breath. Wherever the breath goes inside your body you go with it. If thoughts come, don’t brush them off. Observe them from a neutral perspective.
  4. Pull out a Journal and a pencil, a pen if a pencil is not available. A pencil is best. Avoid gadgets by all means.
  5. Write down what is it you want to manifest right now. Then explain it elaborately. Also, write about the deeper emotions you want to experience.
  6. Now read it slowly, aloud to yourself. Notice the feelings that are getting invoked in your body. Feel it fully.
  7. Be in Meditation – Close the notebook. Close your eyes. Allow the thoughts and emotions to come and go. 5 – 9 minutes is enough.
  8. Open your eyes, breathe out and be in surrender for some time. Then go about your day.


Clearing through various blocks – (as per your requirement)

  1. Attachment – Use the above example to do your manifestation journaling. If you notice that you are attached to the outcome -Start with a follow-up journaling as to why are you attached. What will happen if you drop the attachment?
  2. Fear of Loss – Use the above example to do your manifestation journaling. If you notice that you are experiencing a fear of loss -Start with a follow-up journaling as to what are your fears. List them one by one. What will happen if your fears manifest?
  3. Need to control – Control stems from fear. Use the above example to do your manifestation journaling. If you notice that you are experiencing a need to control -Start with a follow-up journaling as to why are you controlling. List them one by one. What will happen if you surrender?

A final step

“Our intention is everything. Nothing happens on this planet without intention. Not one single thing has ever been accomplished without intention.” ~ Jim Carrey

After you have noted down your Wishlist – write WHY you want it. Post writing close your eyes and let thoughts and emotions come and go. 5 – 9 Minutes is enough.

While everything is our response, to identify the nature of your response, ask your why, keep diving till there’s nothing left. The answer to your final why is your true nature in the current moment. When you let go of that, life overall starts to get better.

“Whether you think you can or can’t, either way, you are right.” ~ Henry Ford

An absolute & firm resolve is also required. But you will only reach the necessary firmness and a concrete resolution when either the above mentioned points are already clear in you, or you have consciously cleared them.

To help you clear your manifestation blocks we have put together a well-crafted 3 days Live Program. In these 3 days Live with Kamalika, you learn to step by step clearing your blocked energy, understanding Desire, Loss, Fears, Control & the power of Surrender and Letting Go. – Follow the link to check our schedule & join –  https://learning.healwithkamalika.com/manifestation/


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