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What is Stress @Workplace?

Every workplace is a high-intensity, fast-paced & result-driven environment. There is a lot of competition, which is also influenced by the success defined by society. Naturally, there is pressure. Which is helping no one in the short or long run. There is constant stress, doubts & lack of fulfilment. We are constantly being consumed by this, as we are allowing ourselves to be (emotionally)eaten alive by fear, stress & depression.

Let me break the news to you – no one is spared from this. Unless each one of us starts doing something about it.

Our society wants us to prove that we are worth it. No household is spared from the concept of what will they say if we don’t show them that my horse is bigger than theirs. Some give into this trap, and some don’t. It doesn’t matter how good a person you are, or how able you truly are, if you don’t own a property that you cannot afford, don’t drive a car that is bigger in horsepower than the speed limits on our roads can accommodate, or have a lifestyle that is turning all eyes, no matter how much you achieve, you will continue to struggle with daily fulfilment. Because you are not doing what you truly want to, you are doing what you think, others may want you to do. And most of the time those ‘others’ are in this illusion too, and to counter it they attack you & me. Just like we too are equally capable of attacking them. At times we do without even realizing the damage we just caused.

I am not leading you against ambition, I am inviting you to a much larger picture. To work for a bigger ambition.  It’s called humanity, which is the biggest teamwork of all.

Some immediately doable pointers that will free you from the mental race:

  • Help your colleague who is struggling with work-life imbalance.
  • Always try to be kind to the help you have around, at times we are so busy we don’t even see the faces of those who clean our desks or keep the washroom sanitized. Those guarding our workspace.
  • Your boss is not the villain, he is a human just like you, who worked really hard & got what it takes to be where he is. To break the ice, you may have to take the first step, and give him/her honest feedback, but first, prepare the setup subconsciously by clearing all malice in your heart against them. By stopping gossiping about them.
    When you engage in such behaviour, you have no idea how energy is getting transferred & your shaky body language & prying eyes are sending threatful & negative signals to them. They don’t need to hear it, they know. It’s called vibe. And it’s a power we all have. Even you know it.
  • Be open to challenges, and consider every roadblock an opportunity. It’s not just at work, even life overall is full of challenges. We can either waste time complaining or invest the same time, broadening our vision & looking at it from a distance.

Train yourself to be OK during every discomfort. You are growing when you are uncomfortable. Let’s take the example of our bodies here. Whenever there is discomfort the body is simply showing you what needs to be healed or moved away from. What else is it other than growth? Something that is not working out anymore, shows you that you have grown out of it. Now simply get away from it.

Anxiety & Stress are your response to worrying about your future, basis your experiences of loss in the past. Everything you are thinking is always guided by your past. Unless you detach from it, create a certain distance & then resolve to face it fully, it will continue to breed similar results & nothing new will come out of it.

A simple practice of daily meditation leads you to change your approach to how you respond to life overall. Including your daily challenges at work. 
(Take it deeper – go dedicated & fully immerse yourself into Yoga Asanas along with your meditation practice.)


Start now with this sample – Guided Meditation.

Some deeper in-person Solutions-

One on One Deeper Healing & Personalised Meditation Program 



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